JET Tales: stories from rural Japan

This website is a record of my experiences in the JET Programme as an AET (Assistant English Teacher) in two Japanese public high schools.

There were high winds, high humidity, high tragedy, high prices, high mountains, and "ohayo gozaimasu" every morning. I had shrines and temples coming out of my ears, Kansai-ben coming out of my mouth, dust bunnies coming in mass migrations, and the intricacies of Japanese grammar coming along so slowly.

This is a sample of my stories. I hope you enjoy them.

~ Kaui : Tanba/Sonobe, Japan : 2001-2003
[cranes for Sadako, Hiroshima] JET
As an intro to the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme, this is my overview of the application process; some tips for the newly chosen; and details of life as a high school AET
Actually, just a sample of one month during my first year on the JET Programme
Pics Links
What am I eating, reading, or laughing about? These are some of the little, "something extra" things that make life in Japan so...

This site is not an official site of the JET Program
but was created by an Assistant Language Teacher [ Kaui MacDonald ]
who served in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan (2001-2003).

Unless otherwise noted, all graphics and content copyright © 2001-2004 Kaui A. MacDonald

This site was designed for viewing with frames. Feel free to try the non-frames version.